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INSPIRE US //2014 animation, motion design, After Effects, 2min29s

Artwork created as a submission to the Humans in Space Art Challenge supported by NASA and USRA in approx. 2 weeks as I learnt late about it

      How can science, space and technology helps us? This journey invite us to notice some of the incredible accomplishments they allowed, without hiding some of the difficulties (mental, material, ecological) these domains may encounter and understand how they are often the key to improvement. Look up, experiment and work with others, be aware of the limits and try to progress: a motto to live by on Earth and beyond.
     What if we stop going further? The end of the video reminds us that the technology we sent in the outer space may drift for ever, no matter if we are still here or not.

MARS //2014 animation, TVPaint, 28 seconds

4h project. An experimentation at the intersection of illustration, animation and comic.
About space, Mars and human colonisation.

AN ASTRONOMICAL SURVEY //2014 motion design, Illustrator, After Effects, 36s

Modest personal project, focused on basic transitions, compositions and colors.
I have looked for some years for a survey about the perception of astronomy, and found one realised by Yaël Naze and Sébastien Fontaine. I have chosen some informations that caught my attention and I have created this simple Motion Design in a few days.

IRIS //2014 Ipad publication, In Design publication suite. 24h project.

LEVONS LES YEUX //2015 animation, TVPaint, After Effects, 12 seconds

For Azura's youtube channel, about science, culture and many others interesting subjects.
He asks me to create the introduction for his monthly new videos, and I was glad to know it would be about astronomy! Here is one of the version I provide him.

CINESON //2011 animation, TVPaint 56 seconds

Creat from a soundtrack by Christophe Heral, this animation develops through a cube from which spray
out a liquid echoing the bass, bands following humain noises, and which transforms itself depending of
the accumulation of different sounds.


DES ETOILES  //2011 animation, TVPaint, 58 seconds  

«Inside stars, temperature reach million or biilion of degrees. They are necessary to forme the nuclei,
and these nuclei are necessary to make existing molecules of our body.» That’s how Hubert Reeves
explain how the extravagant property of stars concern us.
This animation carries us toward a confusion between humanliving and celestial bodies.


COOKING WITH DAN //2012 animation, After Effects, 4 min 52 seconds

I animated and storyboarded this project with others students from UArts (Philadelphia, USA), EESI (Angoulême, Poitiers, France) and Glyndwr University (Wrexham, UK).
Adaptation from Dan Berry's comic. 

Directed and supervised by Dan Berry, Claire Fouquet and Christopher Magee.


Audrey Hess, France

Interested in Arts, Fashion, Astrophysics, Set Design and digital media,
Audrey is mainly an illustrator. She has created digital collages for SoonSoonSoon,
interactive pictures for Arte, and is actually building her next website
and creating a book cover.